Rethinking Resolutions

The Ancient Origins of New Year’s Resolutions (and Why Most of Them Fail)

New Year’s resolutions aren’t a modern invention—they’re as old as civilization itself. Over 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians celebrated their New Year during a 12-day festival called Akitu. They promised their gods to pay off debts and return borrowed items in exchange for a bountiful harvest. If they kept their word, they earned the gods' favor; if they didn’t—well, ancient deities weren’t known for their forgiving nature.

Fast forward to ancient Rome, where Julius Caesar declared January 1 the start of the year, honoring Janus, the two-faced god of beginnings. The Romans made sacrifices and resolutions, hoping Janus would bless their future while keeping an eye on their past.

And yet, despite centuries of resolution-making, the outcome remains eerily familiar: most of us give up long before spring. Why? Because resolutions often set us up to fail. They’re grand proclamations made in a moment of reflection, with little thought for the actual steps required. Instead of building routines, we pin our hopes on sheer willpower—a resource that’s in notoriously short supply by February.

So, how do we succeed? The answer lies in creating sustainable habits, not massive overnight changes. Small, meaningful adjustments—like prioritizing nutrient-dense meals, getting more movement, and managing stress—are far more effective than sweeping declarations.

Which begs the question: what if the problem isn’t that you’re bad at resolutions, but that the whole idea of resolutions is broken?

This year, why not try something different? Instead of chasing perfection, focus on building systems that support you year-round. After all, do you really want another failed resolution—or do you want to build a life you don’t need to "fix" every January?

So, what will it be—another fleeting resolution or a lasting transformation?