Embracing Low-Stress Stockmanship; A Gentle Revolution in the Beef and Bison Industry

At the core of our philosophy lies a profound commitment to the well-being of our animals and the land they graze upon. We firmly believe that treating our livestock with respect and ensuring they lead a quality life is not just ethical but also beneficial to both our animals and you. 

Stressful events can significantly impact the well-being of livestock. The intensity and frequency of stressors directly correlate with the duration and severity of their negative effects. The release of cortisol and other stress hormones, along with panic-induced running and fear responses, can detrimentally affect the health and overall quality of meat from these animals.

At Tangen Draw, we prioritize minimizing stress during all interactions with our beef and bison. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and invest in annual training to ensure that both ourselves and our team are well-versed in low-stress techniques. Our commitment to these practices underscores our unwavering dedication to the welfare of our livestock and the quality of their meat.

Our approach draws inspiration from the teachings of the esteemed Bud Williams, a pioneer in low-stress livestock handling methods. Williams advocated for a shift away from traditional cattle handling practices that involved pushing, yelling, prodding, shocking, and confining animals in high-stress environments. Low-stress stockmanship, on the other hand, hinges on a person's mindset and attitude, the ability to understand and interpret animal behavior, and skillful cattle handling. This method finds practical application in various aspects of livestock management, including cattle driving, corral work, crowd pens, chute operations, scale loading, and cattle transportation.

We wholeheartedly endorse low-stress stockmanship and humane treatment for all our animals. You won't catch us resorting to motorized vehicles to push bison around during herding or ranch work. Instead, we rely on the tried-and-true horsepower of our trusty steeds. The only exception is when there might be an unannounced bison stroll across the ranch which may necessitate the use of an ATV, rarely happens:).